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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Non-latex hockey tape advice

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Hospital grade cloth tape. We use it to tape ET/G tubes. it is latex free and man o man does it stick. Expensive to get on the outside.

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Does cloth stick tape have latex in it? I didn't even know. Maybe they're is a brand of electrical tape that doesn't have latex you can use for socks.

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Yes, every major brand that I could find is made with natural rubber latex as the adhesive (I haven't heard back yet from Howies or Blade Tape, though).

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Is this what you're talking about?

Johnson and Johnson Red Cross Latex Free Cloth Tape - hospital grade (on Amazon for $25.00 for a 4 pack)- I can't copy the link for some reason

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Can you wear non-latex gloves possibly when taping your sticks?

This is what i was going to ask as well, at least for taping the stick.

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