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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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20k to Ribcor stick?

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What are people's thoughts on moving from the 20k to the Ribcor? It's getting harder to find 20k sticks and I quite like mine......just wondering if the Ribcor is a comparable sticks? I've heard good and bad.

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I made the move. Same pattern and flex. Only change is I had the dual grip on the 20K and full grip on Ribcor. I also play roller (think I recall you play both).

I don't notice a huge difference between the two balance wise. Both are light and not blade heavy at all.

Puck feel wise, I think they are equal. Don't notice any difference there at all.

The Ribcor stands out a bit more on shooting. Maybe I am drinking the cool aid, but I do notice a very quick release. It really stands out on a quick shot that don't allow you to load up the stick.

I have not had any durability problems with either stick other than basic chips in the graphics. My 20K has held up better in that regard.

2 months ago I had a 20K, Ribcor and RBZ all in the same curve and flex. I wanted to get a couple more to try a lower flex and choose to go with the Ribcor. Simply because they were easier to find.

I personally feel the two are very close, but give a slight edge to the Ribcor. Both are in my top-10 all time sticks though. The deals on the 20k's are great though.

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I really liked the Ribcor when I shot around with it. That said, my LHS is clearing out their 20Ks now at a really great price. I'm tempted to pick a couple up.

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