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Helmets similar to the CCM v10?

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I'm looking for a helmet with a liner similar to the CCM v10. The v10 is on clearance now and I haven't been able to find one in the right size\color combo. I have a Bauer 5100 as well and it seems to be a little narrow compared to the CCM. Anyone have any suggestions?

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the v10 has a rounder/wider fit to it, especially if you take out the ear guards (makes the helmet even wider). I the V10 has its own memory foam liner system that is heat activated, so as you play it should fit better. Not sure if there are any other brands have the same liner... 11k might be CLOSE.

that being said, the 11k fits me narrower and similar to the 5100

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I used to wear CCM V10, and switched to the Bauer Re-Akt. The only difference I noticed is that it fit a bit better in the back of the head area, but otherwise found it to be a pretty similar shape. It was an easy switch to make.

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Reebok 7k, Bauer 7500, and Easton S13 are constructed very similarly to the CCM V10. EPP base with memory/gel pads. Reebok 8k, 11k, and the Warrior Krown are close, but utilize different fitting methods. It all depends on how the helmet fits your head as opposed to how its constructed. I am a devout V10 user as it fits me best. The Warrior Krown I felt was more round in shape in comparison to the V10. I also own a Reebok 4k and while it is constructed differently (VN Foam), it fits relatively close in shape.

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