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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question for Goalies

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Hey goalies,

I've been playing goal for a while now, but I'm still unsure about how to position your stick on the ice correctly. It's sort of hard to put into words, but: do you slant your stick against the ice? Or do you sort of roll your wrist towards your body so that the blade of the stick isn't slanted along the ice, but instead, is flat on the ice.

Or do both ways work?

I hope I made sense, if I didn't please let me know, and I'll try to explain it clearer.


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Whatever is most comfortable for you.. for me it depends on the situation and shot type. If it's a slow shot on the ice, and I can take the time to roll the wrist and square up the blade I will try, if it's a faster shot I'll either try and redirect it into the corners or up into the netting, or up into my belly with the angled blade. Just find the style that works best for you and is most economical.

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I find when I use longer sticks the toe sticks up off the ice in my stance and when I move around. But when the shot is coming your stick is usually moving with the puck anyways so it just ends up sorting itself up and ending up flat when a puck hits it. When I mean flat I just mean the blade is more or less on the ice as my sticks are slanted in my stance like a ramp. That helps put pucks high and off to the side of the net when trying to control rebounds.

When I use a smaller stick it ends up flat most of the time but I find my blocker is sometimes too low in my stance so it is a constant battle between what size stick I want to use.

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