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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood T90 shaft Int vs. Sr.

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Hey guys,

I have a question regarding the Sher-Wood T90 sticks. I wanted to know if anyone knew if the T90 shaft dimensions are the same on their intermediate as their senior sticks?

Now, I own an 85 flex T90 true touch in a Coffey curve. I absolutely despise the "meat hook" curve and I know that Sher-Wood offers that 4 inch of "flex free" zone that apparently allows you to cut the down the shaft of the stick up to 4 inches without impacting the flex of the stick. The problem is I cut my sticks to about my collarbone on skates and I'm roughly 5'11" in shoes so cutting that stick down to the length I like usually means cutting past the 4" flex free zone thus making my shaft stiffer.

After messing around with different flexes and blades, I have the most success it seems when it comes to catching passes, shooting, passing and stick handling with Sakic clones so I'm leaning towards their PP26 pattern in a 75 flex as my wristers and snappers just fly with the 75 flex compared to the 85 flex.

Sher-Woods websites list their T90's a 60" uncut and their intermediate at 57" uncut so I'm wondering if the shaft is the same size, I may move down to a intermediate stick to save the extra 3 inches to start off with.

Thanks for your help guys!

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