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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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chassis replacement - how many times?

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Anyone ever replace a chassis on a set of skates more than once? I have some mission d2c's and replaced the original chassis with a generator. I am having a difficult time finding extra axles for this chassis, so thought of maybe replacing them later down the road. I am wondering if this is safe to do...being that new holes will need to be made in the soles. WIll they lose strength and possibly break up at some point?

Looking for any opinions out there. Thanks

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I would not go more than the original and one other mounting.

Sold a set of Grafs earlier this year which had had one inline chassis after the blade holder was removed, and then the guy switched chassis(third mount)....two months later the sole cracked through the mounting holes.

But it also depends a bit on how ruggedly the outsole of the skate is made. Some of the thicker carbon graphite composite soles may stand more than two mountings. The other problem is that some of the holes may start to overlap with three different sets of mountings, and then your fasteners will begin to pull through the larger diameter holes.

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