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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Steel problem or radius problem or...

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I just got a new pair of skates (VH), came from CCM U+ 10s. The new skates come with LS2 steel and I'm feeling them bite in substantially more. I'm assuming this is because they are a 9' radius where my CCMs were a 10' I believe. Would it be that significant of a change?

I use an 11/16 or 3/4 on my CCMs, but I'm not sure what to do on the new skates. Should I get them profiled to 10'? Go even flatter on my grind?

Thanks all. I do love the turning and responsiveness of the new skates but need to have a bit more glide on my stops.

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A shorter radius will dig in more but the difference from 9 to 10' shouldn't be substantially more as you describe. What hollow are you using in the LS2? It's likely that, not the radius.

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A shorter radius will dig in more but the difference from 9 to 10' shouldn't be substantially more as you describe. What hollow are you using in the LS2? It's likely that, not the radius.

I started with a 5/8 from VH but I know that's a bit deep for me. I took it to a local shop and asked for a 3/4 but it didn't sound like they did much of a grind. So maybe they didn't do much? It sounded like maybe 2 quick passes per skate.

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