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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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R2 XN10 vs Bauer XV

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Trying to decide between the R2 XN10 and the XV. I've looked at the reviews on both shafts posted here, but just looking for a little more. If I could, I'd buy both, but kinda hand ties there. Both seem like great shafts...and I know its all about personal preference, just looking for some opinions or insight. If anyone has used both shafts or just shot around w/ both for a few minutes any thoughts would be great. Thanks.

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I've used both and had them both in mind when I went to buy a new shaft. The weight and feel are pretty similar. You won't really notice the difference. The deciding factor for me was grip. The XV has a really good grip and the XN10 has none so I went with the XV. It's a really great shaft.

If you are thinking about one of these shafts, take a look at the L2 as well. It's right on par with both of these as far as weight and performance but it doesn't have the concave shape.

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Doesnt have grip either. Or maybe it does, it just sucks really bad. Anyways, I have an L2 and I think its amazing, so take a look at it for sure.

Have you ever used a XV before? I think maybe you should know if it has grip considering it sucks. :rolleyes:

Anyway, the XV does have grip and is very similar to the XN10 like I stated above and so is the L2. The difference between the 3 are the L2 is a square shape and the XV and XN10 are double concaved and the XV has grip but the others don't. Also, not that this matters but the paint on the L2 has held up much better then the other 2 if you want to add that to the equation.

You really can't go wrong with any of the 3. Pick the one that feels best to you and your needs. You won't be dissapointed.

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I'm sure he was alluding to the L2 not having grip.

I haven't used the tapered shafts (at least not how I bought them). I found the Xn10 to be much lighter and have a better kick. The XX had a nice feel in my hands and wasn't a bad stick, just didn't give me the results I had with my Xn10. Grip may be a big factor for you, the thing thats good with the shafts is the interchangable blades. I really liked the XX shaft shape and grip, but wasn't crazy about the blade. Basically for the weight and shots I'd go with an R2 Xn10, if its purely about comfort in your hands and grip I'd go XV. I adapted to the Xn10, but it did take me a little while and you may not want to adapt. If you can try out a friends if not, both are good choices.

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I'm sure he was alluding to the L2 not having frip.

Oops, might have read that wrong then. :rolleyes:

Here is a comparison I did for someone a while back of all 3 shafts:

A guy on my team has an XN10 so I really got to compare the weights last night and here's what I found:

My XV and my L2 have the same Mission Ether wood blade and are taped exactly the same way at the butt end and the blade.

My teammate's XN10 had a little less tape and a Koho composite blade.

You couldn't really tell the difference between the XV and the XN10. To me, the XN10 felt slightly lighter but not by a noticeable amount at all. His stick actually felt a little blade heavy though.

Also, whoever said that the L2 was heavy; it felt like it weighed exactly the same as the XV to me. My teammate thought it was a touch lighter then the XV and that it was possibly the lightest of the three the way they were set up.


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Hey, thanks for the thoughts! I really appreciate it. Like i said, i wish i could just buy both of them, test them out, then sell one but it never works out that way. Just a few quick questions. I may be wrong, but I thought both the XN10 and the XV have concave shafts? If so, is there a difference in the depth between the two shafts? If not, how do they differ in feel if they both have a concave shape? Second, on the reviews i've seen alot of guys say, "i can pick corners with this shaft" referring to both the XN10 and the XV. I'm assuming that characteristic is impossible to compare between the XN10 and the XV and that both shafts peform the same in that regard...but am i wrong?

Also, I have flyweight meto and had an Inno 1100 -- "0" shape and a cyclone which has more of the "0", so I like that rounded corners rather than the boxier shape....thats why i'm kinda shying away from the L2. I'm assuming the concave feel won't feel too awkward....how have you guys adapted?

Thanks again!!

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Easy ace. I wasn't aware I had someone following my spelling. A PM would've done the job if it concerned you that much. The others were able to get the message just fine.

The O shape will be much different than the concave shaft. I'd stick to a XV if thats a big concern. They may not differ that much, but the materials of the XV just make it seem that much more concave.

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THe XN10 and XV are both double concaved shafts. I'm not sure if there are different degrees of concave btweeen the shafts though.

IMO both shafts are pretty equal as far a performance goes. I really wanted the XN10 when I purchased the XV but the addition of the grip negated any slight differences in feel to me.

You shouldn't have any problem adjusting to the double concave. I have big hands so I really don't notice a boxy feel on certain shafts that I know are considered boxy. Considering that you like the rounded shafts more, I would probably rule out the L2 for now. If you happen to see one check it out though just in case you change your mind.

Also if money is an issue the XV is usually 25 or so dollars cheaper then the XN10.

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I had the XV and just got a red light XN10 from Eazy(Thanks again) I know its not the R2 but the technology is the same I guess. The Vapor was nice and thin, shots came off it hard and accurate. The only compalint about the Vapor I had was the feel. It had a real dampening feel and I like my sticks to have a crisp feel. Other than that it was great. This Red Light Xn10 which I combined with a short hossel standard F4 is in Elite company in my books. So far I've use it in 2 games only and even though I don't have any points to show for it, I'm amazed at spring and zip of this shaft, This thing shoots bullets. Stickhandling is the same passes are crisp . I've been off on accuracy but haven't had any real good chances as those 2 games were against the top 2 defensive teams in my divison. I would imagine the R2 to be the same if not better. But you cant go wrong with either

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Thanks guys for all the thoughts and opinions. After reading what you guys said, i'm leaning toward the XN10, but i'm still going to head up to the pro shop and pick up the XV to see what it feels like. I have a pair of 2003 Easton Z-Air Gloves but I switch them up w/ a pair of Nexed Core Gloves that have grip on the palms and fingers...so i'm not sure if the grip on the XV would feel strange if I use the Nexed Gloves. We'll see. Thanks again for your thoughts!

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If you like the "O" shape more, I would go with the XV. It's a close call with either one, and you can't go wrong with either one. I think the deciding factors should be flex, grip/no grip, and shape.

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