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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rocker/lie question with a p87a blade

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so i'm just switching from a pm9 to this p87a blade. the pm9 has very little rocker and I'm used to being able to carry the puck pretty much anywhere on the blade. my question is on the p87a, because of the increased rocker (or higher lie/combination of both?) is this the spot (picture below) where I should pretty much be carrying the puck. It doesn't seem like I will every get as much blade on the ice with this curve as the pm9, and the p87a seems to be kind of like one of these dual lie blades, so I'm thinking maybe carry the puck on the back half of the blade is the right spot? but I'm not sure. Any feedback would be appreciated, never used a curve like this before. (my remedy to get the puck closer to the middle of the blade was to start cutting, but wanted feedback before that)


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I actually went the other way, I started out with the P87A and switched to the PM9 (well the Warrior W01). I found I had trouble catching passes and keeping shots low with the P87A, and noticed an immediate improvement with the W01. I did find it a little easier to stickhandle though with the P87A, and i usually just tried to keep the puck in the middle of the blade

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Haha, that's funny. The reason I went to the p87a was to make life easier in getting the puck up. I kept shooting too low and on the ice in game situations with the pm9. I think I'm just getting too old/lazy though...

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Pretty much the puck will be on the heel for this kind of curve. It's ideal for getting off quick shots (hence why it stays on the heel). And at the same time, it makes it a very unforgiving blade due to the rocker. Soooooo... you can always flatten out the blade by either keeping your arms higher up OR, as you stated, cutting the stick shorter.

One thing I noticed were that your puck marks aren't quite going heel to toe. It trails off as it gets to the toe. Ideally, you'll want a pattern similar to these (note that despite the different curves, you'll see a similar puck mark pattern):


Based off your puck marks, I imagine that the majority of your shots are still very low and/or staying on the ice completely? If so, as stated above, adjust your arms (technique) or the stick length.

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Based off your puck marks, I imagine that the majority of your shots are still very low and/or staying on the ice completely? If so, as stated above, adjust your arms (technique) or the stick length.

Thanks for the feedback. Actually, I'm getting the puck up pretty well, it's what I'd hoped for in the switch. It's just the stickhandling that feels a touch off because sometimes I try to take the puck out to the mid-toe or toe area and it feels like it almost goes under the blade. Probably just need more time getting used to the setup, such as the arms suggestion.

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I usually end up using all of the blade. When I'm more or less alone in traffic, puck stays mid/heel. If I'm turning on my forehand side, the toe cups pretty well. There's also the added bonus that if you're a toe shooter, a curve like the P92 or similar (Hall/Sakic, Kopi, etc) works really well. Backhand takes some getting used to though.

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