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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Northern IL Hockey

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Hey everyone I took a hiatus from playing for a while and I'm looking to get back into it. I live in DeKalb, IL and I was wondering if anyone knew of any leagues close to where I'm at or anyone looking for players. Before my hiatus I was a D level player.


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i skate at fox valley. used to run a couple teams over there but when i moved to canada for a year the teams fell apart, and then when i came back my buddies had all moved over to all seasons. i decided to join a 3rd team this winter and joined one at fox valley, so i've only been over there again for a couple months.

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Any idea when next registration is for league?

Not sure when registration is, but my team's last regular season game is March 30, then playoffs. All Seasons' season ends late this month.

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I started a team in Sept, we are about 1/4th done with the season. I'm looking for players! We play at leafs Ice centre. Anybody interested in joining? Email me or post to the discussion.

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I started a team in Sept, we are about 1/4th done with the season. I'm looking for players! We play at leafs Ice centre. Anybody interested in joining? Email me or post to the discussion.

PMd you

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