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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton s12 to graf advice.

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Hey everyone I'm new here and need some advice on what grafs to get. Unfortunetly I don't have a dealer within a 4 hour drive for me so trying them on isn't an option. I play Rec hockey twice a week and occasionally Ill play pick up too. im coming from an s12 easton in a 9.5 but probably should be in a 9 as my shoe size is 10-10.5.

I have pretty narrow feet especially in the heels so Ive narrowed it down to 703/735/g35. I've tried on some supremes and vapors but both felt a little roomy in the toe and middle of the boot. Now before everyone says to go with the 703 my s12s gave me very bad lace bite durring the break in period, I don't know if this was because they are too shallow for me or if that's normal and from what I can gather the s12s are slightly shallow, but I could be wrong on that. I did the pencil trick with the s12s and it doesn't touch but it is very very close. So I'm afraid the 703s will be too shallow.

So I'm thinking I should try the g35/735 in a 9 narrow. So I guess what I'm looking for is people with first hand experience either of these models and how they fit or any graf gurus that can point me in the right direction. If needed I can post pictures of my feet if that will help.

Thanks a lot.

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Be careful, the S12 isn't actually a narrow fit. It has a narrow heel, but the forefoot is somewhat wide. For the sake of comparison, I went from an S12 to a Supreme in a regular width, yeah the toe box is a little roomy, but the overall fit is decent.

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Went ahead and got some g35x the 2010 model. I found a pair in 8.5r on eBay. Probably the only 8.5s left. I hope they arnt too wide but I was unaware that my s12s had a wider forefoot. And they fit pretty well other than the instep.

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