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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are skates still made that way?

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Just wanted to know if the last generation skates (with carbon composite for example) are still made that way or is the method described is outdated?

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This video shows the machine that makes the boots. Bauer has other videos that has small clips of the boots being made.

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Just wanted to know if the last generation skates (with carbon composite for example) are still made that way or is the method described is outdated?

Most skates are made that way, but the Curv skates aren't.

The machine Chris and Ken talk about in the video mickz posted lasts them first (sort of like a shell) then the internals are added. Traditional skates are built up flat then wrapped over a last.

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Thanks for the clarification JR.

At 1:32 min of the APX Skate video posted by Ridindirty, I think we can see the shell you are talking about.

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