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Russian Superleague Live On The Web!

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To all those starved of good TV hockey - http://www.russiantvonline.com/

Live matches, recorded matches... for just $5 per month! For me it's the best $5 I've ever spent - I live in england and you can't buy two packs of Pringles crisps for that money :D Although to me Russian league has always been a good alternative to NHL, now its even better with all these NHLers playing on big ice... There is less bodychecking (not always so though hehe)but lots of skating and skill on display. LOADS of skating and skill:)

Quality is pretty good too (although bizzarely enough live is better then recorded)

Obviously broadband is a must - 512 is (very) watchable, 1mb is perfect.

Tomorow (24/12) there are two games: Avangard (Jagr, Su33 and Co) vs Spartak (Fedor Fedorov and Co) and Dynamo (Datsyuk) vs Lada (Semin). Games start 15:25 and 18:55 (Moscow time) respectivly. Both on RTR Sport channel (РТР Спорт)

PS just watched recorded CSKA-AK Bars 11 goal thriller... Kovalchuk, Zherdev, Lecavalier all played great. As did Kovalev- amazing skill, but no points. (kinda typical for him really :P , but i still maintain that no hockey player EVER had more skill than this guy :) )

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Kovy Ribs Fedo will be in love with you B.

Unfortunetly my internet is too crappy for that. If there was a way you could pay, download, watch, and then delete the games I'd be all for it.

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Is there an english version of this site? I definitely want to sign up, but I can't even figure out where to click, everything is in Russian.

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Unfortunately theres no way to download games. Everything is streamed Real Player media :( and even if ther was- how are you gonna download several hundred MB over a dial-up :blink:


Right at the top of the page there are several english buttons: "Home", "Register", "login", etc. Click register (obviously, doh:)) then you'll be presented with more (plain and simple english) options on membership types. So select the second option (all channels for $5). Pay through paypal and voila! Links to live channels are on the top left of the web page -EVERYTHING 's in English!:) RTR Sport is the one you're after, click it and watch in you Real player.

Recorded games are on the main page too, just look at the pictures and you'll recognise hockey ones. Once again click to watch.

PS Avangard-Spartak match was terrific. 5-1 to Avs(haha), Jagr was catalist for most of their offence, but their entire team is loaded with speed and quick passers.

Dynamo-Lada match is later on today:)

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SHIT, my internet is too slow for that. I would have paid the 5$ right away.

Time to upgrade? B) Cmmon, make yourself an Xmas present, you know you want to! :D No seriously, broadband IS awsome. I have watched so so much hockey- rare, amazing, beautifull hockey through thanks to my internet. Summit'72, classic games (Russian and NHL)... now this web tv... Cant imagine my life without broadband now. :)

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SHIT, my internet is too slow for that. I would have paid the 5$ right away.

Time to upgrade? B) Cmmon, make yourself an Xmas present, you know you want to! :D No seriously, broadband IS awsome. I have watched so so much hockey- rare, amazing, beautifull hockey through thanks to my internet. Summit'72, classic games (Russian and NHL)... now this web tv... Cant imagine my life without broadband now. :)

Where were you able to watch the 72 summit series and whatnot?

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Where were you able to watch the 72 summit series and whatnot?

Oh, Bittorent :D Suprnova and other sites... Of course most are closed now GRRRRR :rolleyes:

PS Decent game between dynamo-Lada... Datsyuk had moments of goodness, but overall Lada was far superior(4-0). Dynamo was missing Ovechkin (hes been their "dynamo" in recent games hehe)Semin looks like a future star- great goal too.

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Borch I'm not on dial up i'm just not on the fastest of cable internet either...I could pull it off, I've downloaded movies before...hehe..cough

Well you don't need THE fastest internet for this. Last month i was on 512 (60kb/s) and now i'm on 1mb (120kb/s) - by no means the fastest connetion. If you are not sure you could try their free channel (simply as a test) - HTB (free preview). Or one of their recorded clips which do not need active subscription.

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If you are not sure you could try their free channel (simply as a test) - HTB (free preview). Or one of their recorded clips which do not need active subscription.

Oh, I'll take a look at this.

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So, did anybody else try this site?

Awesome, awesome... Just finished watching recording of game between Finland and Russia (in Finland)- awesome, awesome!.. Full on speed, commitement, effort and a great NA vs Europe clash of styles. (Huh?? Yeah! B) Finland in hockey maps is in North America now;) - overly physical, not afraid to "dump it in" they LOOK like a NA side :blink: Russia of course is as run-n-gun as ever.) Fantastic game anyway. Kovalev, Kovalchuk and Kajgorodov line was simply outstanding (Kajgorodov scored the game winner with Kovalev assisting) throughout the game and once again bits of stunning skill from no 27. More to come on Sunday against the Czechs... NHL? who cares :lol:

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