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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM 3052 Tacks Skates Reviews

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Hey Guys, New Guy Here.

Just looking for any insight/reviews on the CCM 3052 Tacks. I can not find any Youtube reviews or Forum reviews of this skate on the web. I went to a LHS tried them on, they felt awesome. But I'm use to wearing CCM Rapide 101's since I was 16. I'm 32 now 6'1 and 270lbs. So I have no idea what nice is. I am also looking at Reebok 16ks and Reebok 26ks. I would love to hear what you guys have for reviews on all three skates. Most importantly the CCM 3052 Tacks. Thanks

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I find all the 3052's that I sharpen very soft (on the boot itself) and many have had problems with outsoles being very soft and rivets all falling out half a season into their life.

At 270 lbs and your height, it may be beneficial to get into a skate with a bit more support. I don't recall the stiffness or support of the rapide 101's, so maybe if they've been supportive enough for you, then the 3052s will be too.

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