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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Educate me on Insoles

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With Bauer introducing their speed plate, CCM releasing their insoles not too long ago and people swearing by their Superfeet, I'm beginning to wonder if it's something I should look in to. I'm currently in APX skates and I fail the pencil test so that worries me to begin with since I imagine these insoles add volume. Moreover I've never had any pain in my feet from my skates. What do you think: could anyone benefit from an aftermarket insole or am I the perfect example of someone who wouldn't need them?

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Not everyone could benefit if the insole causes discomfort, but for those who see benefit, there exists a range of possible effects. It could alleviate joint pressure, reduce pronation and even offer performance advantages in the form of better edge control. Starting with SF is a good idea because of their 60 day guarantee. I find SF offers more chance of experiencing better balance and edge control (in addition to comfort) whereas the CCM stuff mostly offer support and comfort for the arch.

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With Bauer introducing their speed plate, CCM releasing their insoles not too long ago and people swearing by their Superfeet, I'm beginning to wonder if it's something I should look in to. I'm currently in APX skates and I fail the pencil test so that worries me to begin with since I imagine these insoles add volume. Moreover I've never had any pain in my feet from my skates. What do you think: could anyone benefit from an aftermarket insole or am I the perfect example of someone who wouldn't need them?

Some of my thoughts on the matter..


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