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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Nexus 6000/8000 Shin Pad advice

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Hi all.

I wear some very old bauer impact (13") shins from "back in the day". These are very much a classic type of pad i guess.

I am after some new shin pads.

I have tried on the likes of some CCM Rbz (top end pads in 13") and some mako m3s again in a 13". What i am finding is that the knees dont fit deep enough for my liking..i almost feel "exposed" on the sides of my knees. I also feel like the pads sit on top of my shins rather then also wrapping around.

After searching, the only pads i know of which do 13" as a senior (which i personally think helps the depth issue) are the likes of bauer and i think sherwood.

I tried on some 13" supreme one.4s and vapor x60 shins. These both fit deeper on my knee then the RBZs and makos. I felt the supremes fit to tight around the rest of my leg, and x60s were ok..but just seemed like i would have to go up a few levels in terms of models.

I would like to try on some Nexus 6000s or 8s, just to see if these would fit me a bit better. However im worried about the fact everyone says these are "wide pads"..however i have a feeling these will give me a better wrap all over my legs. Can anyone comment on how much "wider" these are over the vapor and supreme line?


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