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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for info on forward gloves from the 80s

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Hey gang, this might best be answered from the OG of the forum.

I remember back in the mid 80s seeing some forward gloves made and sold that had no finger stalls but were rather like mittens. Nothing like the Cooper one of the 70s that has hidden finger stalls.

For some reason I have the brand KOHO in my mind. It was around the days when they brought out that oval one piece fiber stick.

If anyone remembers those gloves and the brand or even the model, that would be great.



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Koho did make a knockoff of the Cooper XL1 glove that you are thinking of. Gilbert Perreault of the Buffalo Sabres wore the Koho gloves. Search google images of Perreault and there are plenty of pictures of him wearing the Koho gloves.

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