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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor x:50 Fit

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I've been skating in x:50s for the last few seasons but they now need replacing. So I was looking to replace them with x100s or x90s. From what I understand, the x100 and x90 should fit the exact same as my x:50s. But when I tried them out, there seemed to be a bump in the tougue even though I passed the pencil test and the outside of my feet hurt. My current skates never bothered me at all. So I was wondering will these problems go away once they get baked? Or should I just look at other skates?

Thanks for your help.

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Which x50's do you have? The ones from a few years back (ca 2011) a step down from top end x60, or the cheaper recreational skates from 2013-2014? Iv'e had the older high end ones myself and think they have a little more generous fit than the Top end x60's... Iv'e also tried the x100's and they feel a lot tighter widthwise...

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I have the ones from a few years back. What you said makes sense because I also tried on an old pair of Vapor XXVs that I have and the fit was very different than the 50s. No wonder I never like them. Looks like I'll have to look at other brands of skates. Thanks for your help.

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