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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer vs Reebok boot & runners

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I had been using Bauers for a long time...however my last skate, x60s have been giving me huge pain in the heel area causing the infomous bumps...so I got a deal on the Reebok ribcors, they don't hold my heel until I fully lace them up, unlike Bauer's where I just slip it in and unlaced they grip my heel. Never had a Reebok skate, they fit pretty good...but I noticed my agility and stability has lost out a bit, I noticed that the runner is actually a half inch longer compared to the ls2. The boot itself is stiff but a different type of stiff...anyone else ever make a jump to rbk?

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Sounds like the holder is longer than your bauers. Also it is a stock 10' radius on CCM vs the 9ft on Bauer's. Plus depending on who sharpened the you could have a larger profile causing the main issues. Simply a profile should make you feel more at home.

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