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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stx stick question

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How does the flex on the stx surgeon play out compared to Easton Rs2. I was using 75 flex Easton but I just snapped it practicing one timers. Should I stick with 75 flex with stx or bump up to 85.

also how much whippier does it get over time to those of u that have used it.

also I'm 5'11 155 lbs if that makes a difference between 75 and 85 flex (I know it does, its just how much of a difference that matters)

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my experience with the STX line is that they felt a little whippier than normal of course they were demo sticks. I'm 6 foot and 200 lbs I flip between 85 and 75 however I cut the stick down pretty far. If your breaking 75s I would go to 85

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my experience with the STX line is that they felt a little whippier than normal of course they were demo sticks. I'm 6 foot and 200 lbs I flip between 85 and 75 however I cut the stick down pretty far. If your breaking 75s I would go to 85

How much do you cut your sticks down? Just curious because I'm about 6ft and I never cut mine down or put a plug in. Comes to about my shoulders

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