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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Christmas Fail Stick Sale

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Prices include shipping in the US. International buyers, lets talk. If my prices are delusional and I'm out of touch with the used stick market, make me an offer.

Warrior DT1LT, 75 flex. Burrows Curve, grip Right. Uncut- $120 Shipped in US.
Used for maybe 10 hours. At the end of the day, I'm just not a low-kick guy.
Easton Mako II tapered shaft, 85 flex, grip 54"- $80
Bought this kind of spur of the moment a few years ago, but never played much with it.
Easton EQ50 shaft, 85 flex, grip 52"- $40
Older, but still has pop left in it. It just go pushed to the background.
(Both are manufactured as shafts, not cut OPS)
CCM RBZ Stage 2, 60flex, Hossa Curve, grip. Left- I bought this for my wife for Xmas and she didn't like it. Win some, lose some. Used for maybe two hours total, mostly in warm ups and pick up games. Stick is 55" from butt end to heel. $110
Nike-Bauer One70, 75 flex, pm9 curve, grip. Left- Remember Nike-Bauer? I got this as part of messed up order and never did anything with it. Totally unused, uncut. Sick orange and gray creamsicle coloring. $50
**edit, added "tapered" to easton shaft description.

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