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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Most protective helmet

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I'm looking for the most protective helmet as possible, I recently suffered a concussion snowboarding and have now decided that i am going to try to prevent getting another one. I currently wear a Bauer 4500, so what would be the most similar fit/ best protection between a Bauer Re-akt, Re-akt 100, and a CCM Resistance?

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In short, none. There isn't a helmet that will prevent all concussions. Instead, you'll want to find the best fitting helmet to reduce negative space, yet maintain comfort.

However, there is a general consensus that EPP foam is better suited for high-impacts (but prone to cracking and highly recommended to be replaced after 1-2 high impacts), where as VN foams are better suited for small-medium impacts over a long period of time (their softness allows them to bounce back into shape after a hit, however they'll break down over time by absorbing sweat).

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In short, none. There isn't a helmet that will prevent all concussions. Instead, you'll want to find the best fitting helmet to reduce negative space, yet maintain comfort.

However, there is a general consensus that EPP foam is better suited for high-impacts (but prone to cracking and highly recommended to be replaced after 1-2 high impacts), where as VN foams are better suited for small-medium impacts over a long period of time (their softness allows them to bounce back into shape after a hit, however they'll break down over time by absorbing sweat).

Football has gone to the floating disc technology after extensive research after paying out lawsuits. Pretty much all football helment have gone to this. The CCM helmet has this technology. But I agree with you, no helmet can prevent a concussion, I got mine from the whiplash of a hit, head never hit anything.

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