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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro stock vs retail pants

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Hey all, so it's looking like I'm going to have to be in the market for new pants sooner rather than later. I was planning to wait for the RBZ's to go on clearance, but I don't think my current pants (Easton Stealth 85s) are going to last that long. The main draw of the RBZ's is the weight difference and that they'll retain less moisture than most other pants, as I feel like the 85s provide more than enough protection. My question is how the retail pants compare to pro stock, because one of the guys I play with has connections with some NHL equipment managers and has gotten a bunch of us really good deals on pro stock equipment. Would the pro stock pants be as light weight as the retail? Or would I be better of just getting the RBZ 130's, which I'm guessing should be comparable in protection but are still a good bit lighter than the eastons

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Pro stock will be made with higher quality materials with a higher stitch count (basically, more durable), and a bit more customized (in terms of length and other small modifications). If you're concerned about weight, go with a girdle+shell. It'll be the lightest and most form fitting hip/quad protection you'll find. Else, CCM Crazy Lights are probably the most light weight pro stock pant you'll find; however, they tend to run a bit on the small side. With pro stock, you're usually going to find old stock and a limited selection of pants. Usually these guys like to stick with what has worked well over a long period of time and not necessarily what's the newest/greatest/lightest thing on the market.

Again, if you're concerned about weight, go with a girdle+shell. If you're concerned about protection/durability, go with pro stock. If you're concerned about availability, price, and selection, go with retail. Best solution: Try something on BEFORE you buy it. Don't guess.

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CCM/RBK still makes the 520 pant for pros despite being discontinued at retail more than a decade ago. Most pros are not as concerned with weight. You could get the heaviest pants on the market and it will have zero effect on your abilities as a player.

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I don't expect lighter gear to improve my skill, buy it does help with how fast I get gassed when I'm playing (less weight you're carrying the less energy you have to expend moving it). And since I'm going to have to replace pants soon because my current ones are falling apart, I'd rather get the lightest gear possible without sacrificing too much protection, and without breaking the bank. I can probably get pro stock pants for around the same price as the RBZ130's, but I really don't need that level of protection so if they're going to significantly heavier I'd rather just get the 130's

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I just picked up a pair of Eagle Pro Talon 100s. They have Carbon Fiber caps in lieu of plastic to meet the NHL 2016 rules. They are fantastic in the protection and weight categories. I came out of Tackla Air 9000z pants for these. They also fit nice and snug on the hips and kidneys.

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