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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Eflex II 760 vs 860

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I'm considering the Eflex II series (buffalo colors), and having a hard time deciding between the two. Is there a major benefit to the 860 considering the $400 difference? Visually they appear the same..

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It will all be about the internal and external materials. I tend to try and steer people away from brand new non-pro tiered gear. For example, for $999 - 15% coupon you can get Koho 588 Pro which would not only last longer but would be much more bang for your buck. But of course you can't always get the colours and sizes you want.

I know the 760 will have screen printed graphics on it. I am not sure about the 860 but from the one photo it looks like it has actual Jenpro graphics and not just screen printed.

The 860 will be made of high quality foams and outer material so they should slide better. Depending on your level of play they will last longer and give you better performance.

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It will all be about the internal and external materials. I tend to try and steer people away from brand new non-pro tiered gear. For example, for $999 - 15% coupon you can get Koho 588 Pro which would not only last longer but would be much more bang for your buck. But of course you can't always get the colours and sizes you want.

I know the 760 will have screen printed graphics on it. I am not sure about the 860 but from the one photo it looks like it has actual Jenpro graphics and not just screen printed.

The 860 will be made of high quality foams and outer material so they should slide better. Depending on your level of play they will last longer and give you better performance.

Level of play is currently pretty low BUT I'm hoping to get a set that will last long-term, so maybe the 860 is the better option.

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