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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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W28 warrior qr4 stick

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So I bought last week a warrior qr4 stick, 85 flex, W28 pattern. I started out with Malkin curve (PM9) a few years ago. But, eventually I wanted something with an egde or something as the malkin curve felt kind of ordinary Really wanted a different feeling! Then I bought bauer one95 blade to try the P91a curve. It felt a little bit weird, it wasn't bad but not my style. Then I tried the P92 pattern. It took maybe two or three games to start liking it but after that it was awesome. The versatility, the feeling, everything was real good. Then, the P28/W28 pattern comes along. I was attracted the very first time I saw it. It had everything I wanted : rounded toe, a little bit more toe than the P92.

I tried it last friday. I was impressed the feeling is almost the same as the P92 but you can shoot right off the toe. With the ovechin (P92) pattern, it was harder to shoot from the toe, always came from the heel or maybe I'm shooting wrong. But anyways, the most unexpected and nice thing about the W28 curve was the backhand shots. I felt like I really controlled my backhands. Anywhere I wanted to put the puck, there it would go. I was really impressed with this pattern.

For those of you of weren't sure, I would say maybe buy a cheaper stick to get the sense of the blade or if you have the money then do what you want. But it's worth it!

Let me know your thoughts and I wanna know how you felt when you tried it!

Btw, the warrior qr4 stick is really nice for its price point! 99$ nice looking stick, lighter than the 130-140 Bauer vapor X800. It felt very balanced!

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I use Base's version (BC28) on a Supernatural and a Nasty. I came from a P88, and before that the Drury heel wedge.

I'll say that I was concerned that the X28 pattern would be one-dimensional in use, but it has surprised me with its versatility. That being said, I handed it to someone who's used to shooting heel to toe, and they couldn't do jack with it. It really requires some getting used to if you're used to heel curves.

It's a surprisingly versatile curve though.

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Nice review. Im currently using a Easton mako II with e28.

I must say..at first, i was shooting "wrong" off of it. However i quickly adapted. I only realised how much i had adapted when i went back to using a P88 for a while. Needless to say i went back to a e28.

I found the blade good with stick handling and was also suprised at the backhand. Its a pretty nice curve.

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