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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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P92 to P14?

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Has anyone made this switch? Looking for some input. The P92 has treated me well for a long time, but I want a shorter blade. I really like the P46 (Bergeron/Landeskog) for shooting but the lie is way too low. The lie seems higher on the P14. Opinions would be great.

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I made the switch and i don't think ill ever go back. Back handers are way easier and i noticed a difference in passing too.

I've seen alot of people say that its harder to lift the puck in close due to the toe being less open, but i didn't have any issues.

The only draw back i found is that i lost a little off my wrist shot if my feet weren't moving. I cant comment on slap shots since i never take them.

Im not sure what the lie is compared to the p46 but it is lower than the p92

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Huge difference. I'm

Not a fan of the longer blade either.

I can say I will never go back either make the switch

Did you have to alter the length of your stick when you went to the P14?

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