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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For those who say Injected Lacing Increases Volume :

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Played last night...

felt like I was a foot above the ice.. I assume because of taller holder, and brand new steel.

Used thin socks and "snugged the skates up. After 2 shifts I was SWIMMING in them. Felt too loose. Retightened, still felt "slipper like" and not very stiff vs. APX. skates "cornered" well, but not very explosive. Kinda like there was too much blade on the ice.

Overall comfort was fantastic! No numb toes, no pinching, nothing. Lacing system ROCKS! able to LOCK the laces where I wanted them to be and keep them looser at the top. Depth was fine. Did notice that it felt like I GAINED volume after the bake.

Used waxed laces, sharpened at standard 1/2" Can't wait to play again, and crank them down.

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