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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Manufacturer Lie variations

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I currently use a ccm rbz 130 with a p46 pattern that has a lie of 5.5 and I just ordered Sher-Wood T100 with a pp92 pattern with a lie of 5. I was stuck between a pp26 with a 6 lie and the pp92. They are basically the same curve but with different lies. Since neither came in a 5.5 lie I opted for the pp92 because it was the only one available in my flex. Since each company uses their own lie scale how will a Sher-Wood 5 compare to a ccm 5.5 lie? In the ccm I get even tape ware so if I need to make my Sher-Wood longer to compensate for a lower lie about how much longer would you suggest? Or could it actually be pretty close to the ccm because of the different lie scales. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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So going from a 5.5 ccm to a 5 Sherwood is probably a bigger difference than I thought. But I'm assuming playing with a longer stick in the Sher-Wood will help to offset the difference. And my Sherwood will be at least 2 - 3 inches longer than my ccm.

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I just got my new sherwoods in and they are a 5 lie but when I compare them to my ccm 5.5 lie you can't really see a difference. So I'm guessing the Sherwood lies aren't that much lower than I heard they were. I'll have to wait and see how they are on the ice but it appears that there won't be much transition time between the two.

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