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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Krown adjustment issues

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Hey All,

Was just wondering if anyone has experience with a broken or malfunctioning adjustment wheel (4play) mechanism on their Warrior Krown. For some reason mine stopped tightening at a certain point while the helmet is on my head. It gets to a spot and the wheel keeps turning but the helmet tightens for a second then snaps back loose, almost feels like its catching on something or there's a stripped bolt.

I can take the helmet off and tighten it all the way close with no problems but when it's on my head, it won't tighten after a certain spot and stays loose on my head.

If I take it off, tighten, and try and squeeze my head back in, it'll stay tight until I make a quick cut or make a sudden turn with my neck and it'll pop back loose again.

I haven't taken it apart to figure out the problem just yet, wanted to see if anyone else has had this happen and if there is a fix for it before I go into DIY mode.

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