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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton replacement blades

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I recently discovered the Iginla curve and love it. Outside of the one being tapered and with texture what is the difference between the Standard Easton Mako M5 II and the tapered mako m5.


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I believe the tapered Mako (not the M5 II, there is no tapered M5 II) is the higher end blade, meaning lighter and more responsive materials.

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Thanks. I guess if I wanted a standard fit of high quality I would have to go with a rs stealth? Has anyone got on any feedback on the focus flex of those blades if I went that route

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If you're dead set on an Easton replacement blade (not sure why you would be), then, yeah, Stealth. I believe it's the same construction as previous Stealth blade iterations (RS, S19, S17 etc.) so if you do a search, you might find some info.

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Oh right, completely missed your first post, sorry. I remember seeing listings for multipacks of S19 Iggy blades on eBay, worth searching.

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