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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick advice

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So I'm a D League player (Beer league I guess). I want a new stick but could use some help. I like the Crosby curve as much as it pains me to have anything to do with that crybaby. I'm 6'0, 180lbs and in moderate shape for a 35 year old. What are your thoughts?

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Unfortunately that doesn't give too much to work with. But here's what you'll want to consider.

-Where do you like your stick to flex/kick? The main selling points between different sticks are high, mid and low. A lot of companies make note of that on their website eg. Supreme, Nexus, Vapor. Some people classify it with what shots they like to take, however it strongly pertains to how you shoot as a player.

-Flex:/curve/lie: What flex you typically use is also huge, make sure it's suitable for yourself. Your main worry is that if you purchase a stick that's too stiff for you to use, it takes away from your performance regardless of how much money you spent. The curve is established, just know what name that is for different brands. Lie may not be too much of an issue, but it's essentially the angle which the blade and stick connect on. Most are Lie 6(though it's a generalization).

-Cost: Of course at your discretion, understand what you're getting for your money. If you'd like to get a top of the line stick; by all means, lower end would serve you as well. Try and find what fits your budget or what's considered the best "bang for your buck".

-Stick history: What have you used in the past? If you used a stick from the RBZ family and enjoyed it, you'd likely enjoy a similar model. Of course though it's great to experiment, but try to make a purchase suitable to what you've had a good history with if you don't wish to make another purchase soon.

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As mentioned, knowing what you have used and what you did or did not like about those sticks would help out a lot.

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