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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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black Tuuk Vapor X500LE

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Hi Guys

Looking to grab some entry/mid level skates soon for ice. My inline skates are the 1X so I want vapor skates ideally.

Looking at the X500LE skates, I notice they are coming soon and some pictures show a black Tuuk and some show a white one.

is there a reason for this?

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I think it just depends on the seller. I know HockeyMonkey always sells the LE skates with the black Tuuks. Other sellers like IceWarehouse sell them with the white Tuuks. I would stay with the white Tuuks.

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ah so it is maybe like a reseller exclusive?

i think i like them with the black tuuks best really. I know its not a traditional look but whatever.

only problem I may have is that I am based in the UK, so sourcing them with the black tuuks may be a struggle.

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