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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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True A6.0 Flex (should I go 95 or 85 in a shaft)?

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I have been tinkering around alot with sticks (flex, blade patters, grips, length, etc.) since having gotten back into this a couple of years ago, and have not settled on anything yet. Most recently, I ditched the Oggie Ergo grips that I was using on my sticks, which were giving an awful lot of flex at the top end (which was great for shooting but horrible for stick handling), and has thus not really allowed me to dial into my actual flex. I have also been going shorter and shorter on my stick, so that I am presently at about 63.5 inches stick length, when measuring from the top to the floor, shaft leaning against a wall. According to the IW "universal stick measurement system," my stick length is 58 inches. With a P88 Warrior Dynasty AXT1 blade in place, my shaft length is about 51.7 inches. So, it would seem that I will be cutting about 3 inches off of my A6.0 shaft that I am planning to purchase.

I have used 100 flex in Warrior QR Pro, but I had cut so much off to accommodate my Oggie Ergo, that I had to put in about a 4 inch wood plug. The stick felt ok flex wise, but the shaft and blade are now dead (after alot of use and abuse; this stick has served me with great loyalty and valor), so I am not sure of the value of my experience.

I also used a 102 flex Vapor 1X, with a couple of different BASE blades. I felt as if I had to muscle my shots quite a bit, so that when I have time and space, and I lean into it and make it kick hard, I fire lasers and can score in bunches as the goalies do not even react to my shots as they sail by into the back of the net. However, when the quality of play increases, I do not have the time that I need to lean into my shots as the defense is too quick to close in, and I am left unable to even get my shot off, let alone score.

Presently I am using a pro stock 85 flex CCM Ribcor 40K, which I do not even think is a 40K as it lacks the ribs and the people over at the other site tell me that it is not a Ribcor (based on the stick codes). All of my shafts and blades seem dead, so I am just using this until I get back to the US and can get my hands on a new stick. (I admit, I like how the stick looks- best graphics package that any stick has out these days with the smoked CCM. I know it should not matter, but I like the look of my 40K pro stock NOT actually a 40K).

Do you guys think I am 95 or 85 flex, in a True A6.0 2 piece set up? I am hoping I can get to HM in Irvine, and try out an A6.0 in both the flexes, before I make my decision. Just in case though, I am starting my research here. I read in a review on HM that a guy who usually uses 100-110 flex is in an 85 True, which would lean me toward the 85. Also, I understand that there is some technology in the stick, which presents it from softening up, thus again suggesting 85 flex.

I am about 6'1", 215-220 lbs. I take mostly wrist shots from the blue line and in. Occasionally, I take a snap shot, and rarely if ever take slap shots. I play Forward primarily, and a bit of Defense too. I love a stiffer stick for puck control and forechecking, and a bit softer stick is better for firing quick wristers so that I do not have to lean into it. I am also considering just getting 2 A4.5s (1 85, 1 95) and a couple of A6.0 blades, and just figuring it out from there. After a year or so of experimentation, I suppose I will know which A6.0 to go with, and it will be on clearance then anyway.

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