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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jammed Thumb

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Anyone have any tips for preventing jammed thumb? Hopefully just a once in a career thing, but the more I think about it, the more I guess this may have happened more. So, the "play" that I'm surprised never caused anything until today was:

Lefty crosses blue line moving slightly to his left. I am a Right Handed D man, so as he winds up for his slapshot, I reach in to touch the puck as he hits it, which typically results in a flubbed shot. Problem is, that his stick jammed my left thumb as he made contact with the puck, since I must have rotated myself a little bit as I reached to challenge the shot. Not epic pain or anything, just an "Ah frak this is gonna be a problem for the rest of the tourney" thought. No big deal, just a bad sprain, but this was a little chubby guy who jammed my finger, who is a mediocre skater with a mediocre shot. If it was a certain guy on my team (250 lb guy with a cannon), I think my thumb would have been jammed back into my hand.

Anyway, aside from not letting my arm overrotate, anyone know of a mod I can make to my gloves to give me some jam blockage? I am thinking of a ledge to hang over the tip of the thumb, not sure if it has been engineered yet.

I wear Bauer Matrix Pro gloves- decent protection, lock flex thumb. The stick hit on my thumb itself, where the palm material is, not on the area with the foam or plastic.

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