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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where do skates go when they die? In the ground apparently.

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Local municipality has been digging ice skate graves for decades and burying old skates. :facepalm:


Allegheny County has laid to rest a quirky practice dating to the 1980s at one of its most popular parks.

Every few years, some county parks employees have buried scores of old, unusable rental ice skates at South Park, a custom unknown to current parks director Andrew Baechle, who ordered the more than 400 recently buried pairs to be unearthed.

"It makes no sense," he said. "Once we found out about it, we dug them up, and we'll never do it again."

Mr. Baechle said he was "floored" when he learned last Friday from a county employee that workers asked to scrap the latest batch had dumped them in a hole they dug at park maintenance area on McConkey Road. The area is fenced, locked and not accessible to the public.

Workers toss the old leather skates, which are stored in a large closet at the South Park skating rink, every six or seven years. Mr. Baechle said in the 1980s, a since-retired foreman who he wouldn't name, gave the peculiar directive to bury them, thinking it was "environmentally safe."

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