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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which Intermediate Shafts Take Junior Blade?

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Hey all,

I'm currently trying to please my little brother's obsession with the Heatley P9 Curve. He loves the curve and the lie 4 that it offers (he's stockpiled three blades), and its all that he's ever played with. He's at the age where a junior flex isn't stiff enough, and wants to move up to intermediate flexes.

Are there any intermediate shaft brands that will fit a JR easton blade? Specifically, an Easton ST Heatley E9/P9 blade? He doesn't care what shaft it is, as long as it is of intermediate flex and will fit that particular blade in.

Thanks a ton,


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I believe there aren't many int shafts around any longer other than bauer and old stock from other brands from years past.

Base hockey is great to deal with. I'm sure they can give you what you want out of blades and shafts. I know most intermediate shafts are made for senior blades and int blades.

You could try putting strips of stick tape on the end of the junior blade that would be inserted into the shaft, and then take a heat gun and cover that with a proportionate amount of glue. Have no clue if that would actually work but I do know some pros do it to their extensions and blades to get a snugger fit.

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Taping junior blades to work in senior/intermediate shafts works very well. Just make sure that you don't wrap the blade horizontally. Wrap it vertically making sure to wrap it over the top. You have to cut strips and build it up. Keep checking the width and when it looks tight then put some glue on it and put it in.

It's hard to explain with just words but hopefully it makes sense. It works well. I've probably put over 100 junior blades in shafts and it works fine. I've never had one pull out. Hopefully you can make it work.

If you are going to attempt it and want to see it better email me at bjornandjodie@gmail.com and I'll try to send you some pics.

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