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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Identifying cause of and alleviating hot spot

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A few months ago I purchased a used pair of original Makos. I noticed that the right foot skate caused sharp pain to the inner arch of the foot. I alleviated the pain but loosening the laces, but that led to a loose fit which is suboptimal for skating. The left foot had no such issue; I could tighten the skate with no pain in the arch.

Also, I did bake the skate but the pain persisted

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Inner arch pain can come from a few things and often you just have to try various things to find which will work, from a punch to the last resort which is changing boots.

As I don't know if you have any foot alignment issues (and assume you don't have any) then the first approach I'd recommend is to get the boot punched in the area where it hurts. Mark this area on your foot with some lipstick, foot in boot and press hard against the side of the boot. This gives your LHS a reference spot as where to punch.

You might also try a foot insert such as some yellow superfeet as it could be a lack of arch support that causes the pain. However you said loosening the laces resulted in no pain so I'd try a punch first.

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