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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle Talon 60 Gloves as backups to Bauer X60 pros

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After 4-5 years of regular play, the palms on my X60 Pros are more stick tape than palm in a few places so I'm fixing to send them off for repalming (per the forum consensus, it looks like Peaches, here I come). Aside from the palms, these gloves are in pretty good shape, and are definitely well-broken in and comfortable. And this is even given consideration to the fact that I somehow managed to break my thumb while wearing them (got jammed into the boards fluke thing and came up lame deal, never did figure out the mechanism).

Realizing now that the pair of TPS gloves I got for $140 back in the day ($140 was for a bag and all the protective gear sans helmet) offer about zero protection for the level I'm playing at now, I'm looking for a backup pair to cover me while the Bauers make the trip coast to coast and back again.

Looking and learning about all the palm options out lead me to learn that this MSH2/3 material is the stuff. Which lead me to the Eagle Talon 60's which can be had for $60 right now. I figure for that much, I could/should give them a shot.

I know that Eagle 60 does not equal Bauer 60, and I'm also going to make the rounds to the LHS to see what's out there... But I thought I'd hear your thoughts on the Eagle Talon 60s. What say you, MSH?

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i'm in Talon 60s and really like the way they feel. that said, i've been out of the game for a good long time, and these are replacing KOHOs that basically fell apart when i put them on, so anything is better then what i had. the cuff is a LITTLE tight, i have to get "one good tuck" to keep my sleeves in the gloves, but once in, they stay there. the palm feels great, and for the pickup hockey i'm playing MORE then enough.


if you don't care about color, theres these in purple/gold: http://www.hockeygiant.com/eagle-aero-pro-hockey-gloves-senior-eagaerproglvla.html

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