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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM stick Demo day

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Before my game tonight, the rink had a rep from CCM there and we were able to test out sticks. It was a neat experience being able to test various flexes and curves.

I'm pretty comfortable with the curve I've been using (the ovi, formerly the Sakic I believe). Been using that for nearly 15 years I'd say.

I use a 95 flex cut down to just below my chin so probably plays like a 100 or so. (I'm 5'10/180). I tried everything from 65 and up and I really didn't like anything less than 85 which to me was tolerable but just didn't feel that big of a difference in my shots. Where I noticed the difference amongst all the flexes is the puck control/feel. The lower the flex the worse I was at controlling the puck.

In my wrist shot I did notice more whip obviously but my accuracy was not nearly as good and On Slap shots that was more of an issue.

Granted, it was just a brief sessions,

No really warmup and the sticks were not all cut to the same size and what I use, but I guess when you're comfortable with something it's really hard to change! At the end of the day it comes down to feel for me. I'm more of a set up person and I like having a good feel for the puck and accuracy with passing as well as shots. I don't take a ton of slap shots, more wristers and quick snap shots.

Neat thing to do and I couldn't give you an extensive review of each CCM offering, but I would say if you have an opportunity to do this, take advantage of it!

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