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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Innocent Bystander

Hyperextended Thumb / Glove question

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Any thoughts on gloves that provide good thumb hyper-extension protection? My daughter blocked a shot, which of course hit her in the thumb and hyper-extended it. She took a few weeks off from game play, but upon returning had it re-injured. She is on the mend again, but now I am thinking maybe a glove with better protection in this area should be on my shopping list. I am leaning towards the STX with the cable-flex thumb (lacrosse technology) but I don't know that much about them. Anyone have experience?


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I have the same type of issue re-injuring my thumbs. I was in gloves that had a flexible thumb each time it happened. I finally decided to drop some money on some prostock gloves that had the stiff thumb. I thought about the STX ones (the thumb lock is a better than whats on the Bauers i used to use) but I liked the fit better on the prostocks I bought. What gloves was she wearing at the time?

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I had tried both styles and liked the Surgeons, but the cuff was a little too short for me at 14" and the 15" fingers were too long for me. Extremely nice gloves though. I had come from NXGs and ended up going to a pair of 10k prostocks.

I had a few instances of the thumbs on the NXGs would bend back after getting caught in a jersey/ stick etc.

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