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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-Wood T90 Sr. Hockey Pants

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Just picked up a pair of these from hockeygiant.com. Ordered a size XXL, and these things run so small, it's unreal. I normally fit a 40" waist in Old Navy khaki's, and can fit XL mesh shorts with no problem. These are so undersized, I can't even pull them past my lower thighs!!! I don't know who they define as XXL, but these wouldn't fit somebody with a 36" waist hardly. I emailed customer service and told them they need to give me a prepaid label and take this junk back on their dime. They may as well have labeled these a medium-large. Just so nobody else makes the same mistake, Sherwood pants are for skinny players only, XXL is a joke in this company's sizes. They have a pair of Bauer Nexus 90's in XXXL I'm going to try and see if I have better luck. I'd rather go too big, than not even be able to get into them.

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