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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Boston (Cambridge) Adult Hockey Classic Tournament April 8th-10th

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The good people at FMC Ice Sports (company that operates most of the state-owned rinks in Massachusetts) are trying once again to host a tournament. The deets:

Location: Simoni Arena, Cambridge, MA

Dates: April 8th - 10th, 2016

Age: 18+

Level: D/Novice/Beginner - they are primarily recruiting from their own instructional programs, but the tournament is open to all Novice/D level players in the region.

Cost: $75/player, $25/goalie

3 game maximum, 4 game maximum, jerseys to participants and prizes to champions.

More here

And here

The site and the PDF do have some conflicting information, but I believe this is a full-ice round-robin tournament.

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