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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How can you get the blade out of a synergy?

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I broke my synergy last night on the blade. I remember hearing from someone here on the board that they some how got the blade out without cutting the stick.

I tried to search and couldn't find anything on this topic.

I can kind of see an outline on where the blade is inserted into the shaft but I don't know what to do to get it out.



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So let me get this straight, you broke the blade, and want to pull it out of your perfectly good shaft, right?

If you have a really good LHS take the stick to them, they should be able to do it if they know what they're doing. If they look a bit hokey, you're going to have to try it yourself. You have to find the fuse point, which IIRC is right on the A in PAt. Pending on the stick. I would start a few inches lower, and keep moving the cut up a little bit at a time until a tapered blade fits perfectly. I found that if you have a box saw it gives you a much straighter cut than just using a hack saw or whatever.

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I tryed to heat out the blade from an SyNergy one time. I could say that the work is hard and you have too think 2 times before you do anything. I heated on the Pat patending for a long time and then i could see where the blade was. You could see the start of the "blade plug" and the end. But it was impossible to just pull it out so I took the saw and cut it. So I cuted the end of the blade plug offcourse And then i started to made the blade thinner so it could pass on a shaft.

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