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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom CCM skate advice: Jetspeeds vs Super Tacks

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I'm considering getting out of Bauer. I wear custom MX3s now and though they are comfortable I feel performance is restricted. I don't fit into anything Bauer at retail but after custom they work but at the price point I don't want to have doubts. 

I have a big ankle (high instep) and have extended quarters and facing on my MX3s but that coupled with the boot depth makes it harder to accelerate (my first 5 steps) and I'd like something not so deep but that can accommodate my weird feet. I am considering Jetspeeds because of the whole vapor fit thing. I'm also not opposed to Super Tacks as the first tacks line actually seemed to fit pretty well in store (laces were flush, pencil test passed) 

I tried a pair of Jetspeeds in 8D (all they had in 8) and I liked them keeping in mind whatever wasn't working in store I could tweak with custom. The shape of the boot felt great but at retail the heel lock was intense but the heel felt SUPER tight (I'm a B heel in Bauer) but if you look at the laces/tongue here it seems like I'm way off the pencil test. The tongue sticks out quite a bit. 



I have never dealt with CCM custom before and don't know how their sizing works but if this were Bauer I'd say +1 quarters and facing. I'm wondering however if given that the original tacks felt good how would custom work if the Super Tacks are just a one piece CF boot with no outsole? I was told by the shop I go through that they demod the new tacks and out of the box the testers hated them because their feet were killing them even minutes after being on the ice. Should I stick with Jetspeeds or give the other lines a go?

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