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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can somebody explain to me the differences in breezers? I understand the differences in men's and women's but I don't understand the huge price difference across the various men's lines. Why are some well north of $100 and others can be found on clearance for $20? Thanks!

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Materials and padding, mostly. Pick up a pair of $30 pants and a pair of $200 pants and it should be immediately clear how much better the nylon is in the high end stuff. Lots more padding as well.


I personally wear as low end pants as I can for skating out, just because I'm fat and like the mobility. I'm a L in Bauer low end pants, but I'd be an XL if I went up any higher just because of the hip/kidney padding being so much thicker. 


Funny you mentioned women's hockey pants. I've heard they're often popular with fat guys because they're wider but not longer. I haven't gone that far though. haha!

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Thanks for the explanation. My daughter has practice breezers and game breezers, both are Bauer women's but they are different models. Both are a version of Vapors but don't recall which ones. Anyway, they do fit her very different but she can't tell me why one was $25 and the other was much more.


My son is in Eastons and he couldn't care less if there is a difference or not, or if his sister's are better or whatever. This is probably one of those deals where it really doesn't matter to the skater much. FWIW, he won't wear Bauer breezers because his sister does and then he'd have to admit her gear was as good as his. Never happen! Haha!

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Yeah just feel the fabric, it should be pretty obvious how different it is!


The funny part about that last paragraph is that Bauer now owns Easton's hockey division so he may not have a choice at some point soon ;) 

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