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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS M9 pattern. Same as Modano?

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The Tkachuk is similiar to the Modano but not a clone. The TPS PM9 is the Easton Modano. This is the pic I have, sorry its a little dark.


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Are they the same pattern?

Some people say yes, some say no. Seems to me that Tkachuk is ever so slightly smaller than Modano, and maybe a touch more of a mid. I'm talking the '04 composite pattern. The wood '04 Tkachuks that I've seen are more of a heel, and more open. I didn't like the wood pattern, but I love the composite. If you like the Modano, you'll like the Tkachuk composite, they're virtually identical. I've never seen an M9, but I'd guess that it's the same as a Modano, or very close.

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"If you like the Modano, you'll like the Tkachuk composite, they're virtually identical."

When you say composite, I take it you mean the Response OPS?

You'd have to buy the R+ or XN10, the original Responses don't have the Modano-esque Tkachuk. Before the '04 stuff came out, the Tkachuk was an open toe-ish pattern.

EDIT: If you just want a blade, not a OPS, you can buy a composite R2; just make sure it's the '04 model. The '04s are pre-preg, absolutely amazing, and $50+; the '03s are very average, and $40ish.

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"If you like the Modano, you'll like the Tkachuk composite, they're virtually identical."

When you say composite, I take it you mean the Response OPS?

You'd have to buy the R+ or XN10, the original Responses don't have the Modano-esque Tkachuk. Before the '04 stuff came out, the Tkachuk was an open toe-ish pattern.

EDIT: If you just want a blade, not a OPS, you can buy a composite R2; just make sure it's the '04 model. The '04s are pre-preg, absolutely amazing, and $50+; the '03s are very average, and $40ish.

Not true, I bought a TPS Yellow Response and I ordered it from HockeyMonkey and they had the PM9(M9). At HockeyMonkey they have the MP curve whip in a Respone Rubber. Response Rubber

Also Composite doesnt mean OPS. It means not wood. Other materials such as graphite. When you mix wood and another material they usually call it Hybrid.

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Not true, I bought a TPS Yellow Response and I ordered it from HockeyMonkey and they had the PM9(M9). At HockeyMonkey they have the MP curve whip in a Respone Rubber.

That's correct. I felt that it was clear from an earlier post that the PM9 would be Modano-like. You're not going to find an original Response with the name "Tkachuk" stamped on it with the Modano-esque curve.

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