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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Didn't see 1 bantam age player wear mako's this year

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this is in the CT hockey conference.......year before i saw 1..and last spring there was 1 at a clinic.


that said.  what are my sons steel options outside of CXN which i can't seem to find his size 8 anymore ...the black step was a nightmare for him and don;t want to pay for another pair of those



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Why was the black step a nightmare for him?  I have the cxn as well as the black step.  I really like the black step. 


With  that said its going to be tough finding them. I was going to suggest buying holders with the steel but size 8 can't be found. 


You could try emailing noicing to see if they have the cxn in that size. If you already did that then never mind. 

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My son and two teammates played major Bantam and wore them this past season.  All 3 hate the thought of changing brands.

My son used black step steel and it was great for him.

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23 hours ago, Ps12 said:

Why was the black step a nightmare for him?  I have the cxn as well as the black step.  I really like the black step. 


With  that said its going to be tough finding them. I was going to suggest buying holders with the steel but size 8 can't be found. 


You could try emailing noicing to see if they have the cxn in that size. If you already did that then never mind. 



2 hours ago, danc said:

My son and two teammates played major Bantam and wore them this past season.  All 3 hate the thought of changing brands.

My son used black step steel and it was great for him.


...below is the step steel thread.  my problem started on page 18



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