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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice hockey visor struggle

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Hey guys, so I've recently bought a CCM Resistance 200 helmet. It fits great but when I screw on the visor I brought for it, the width tension of the visor stretches and warps and pushes out the sides of the helmet that should be resting on the temple each side of my head. I have attached the visor in the correct way using spacers etc. The visor itself is a fairly cheap one £25. its a vision v-600, however it is a legitimate hockey visor that says fits on to any senior helmet and any brand. Also, just to note, this happened to my old helmet which was a Bauer helmet, the fit was snug before the visor, however when attached the tension of the visor would pull the part of the helmet resting on the temple either side of the head, outwards, making the helmet look silly and warping the plastic. 


Any ideas how i could stop this from happening? :)

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