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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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709 or 705

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i have a wide foot that is pretty thick. I am thinking about getting custom grafs and the 709's arent at my lhs to try on. I was wondering which of the 2 fit most like the vectors

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i have the same foot shape as your description and a Wide G5 workes prefectly for me so id say 705. But try on both and wear them for a couple minutes and see which one feels better.

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i have a wide foot that is pretty thick. I am thinking about getting custom grafs and the 709's arent at my lhs to try on. I was wondering which of the 2 fit most like the vectors

i think you are satisfied with your vector 6.0?

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I have the custom 709 Gary Robberts edition, I have reviewed them you can find it in the review section so that might help you out.

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PM me if you want more information about them, I will be willing to answer all your questions anytime.

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Instead of starting a new topic, whats the fit differance between 709 and 727? My 727's are 9 wide. Would i also be 9 wide in 709 also? Would they be similar in any ways?


They are very different in terms of stiffness.

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Try the Graf 727's, these skates are made for wide, thick feet. I tried the 705 and the 709 and neither skat fit through the instep but the 727 fit perfect after baking. They are pricey but a great skate.

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The width of the 709 wide was perfect, the problem the instep. I couldn't even lace the boot up because the tounge was above the eyelets.

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