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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Junior Mako Skate and Tuuk holder

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So, there is a junior skate thread and a mako thread, but this falls in the seam between the two and I didn't want it to get buried in 120 + page Mako thread.


My son is graduating from youth to junior skates.  I am planning to have him try Mako M8 and Mako II.  Will likely go M8 to start to make sure he likes them, then get Mako IIs for him to grow into if he likes the M8s.  He's a defenseman though and I'm sure he won't like the aggressive pitch of the Makos compared to his Vapors, if the Juniors are pitched like the senior Mako IIs. 


So, if anyone knows, and would like to share 1)  are the junior Makos pitched like the seniors?   2) If so, would a junior Tuuk holder fit a junior Mako?  I believe the senior Tuuk will fit the holes on the mako, so, that would be my preferred approach if the pitch is comparable to junior and senior.



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I have four kids who play hockey.  Between them, we are on our 7th pair of Makos with TUUK holders.  Most "experts" will tell you that this combo negates one of the key benefits of the Makos (the pitch), but it adds in the advantage of TUUK holders and Bauer-shape blades which are nr 1 for good reason.  You can give Easton and CCM blades the same "profile" as you are using with Bauer blades, but the overall shape of the blades remains different.  


This combo works extremely well, and I highly recommend it.

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Well, I've personally been using Makos since the week they came out,... 4 yr?  I don't agree with the "experts".  I tried the pitch and gave it 2 yrs before I started changing it.  I have other personal issues since I'm old and my body is changing, but the way I deal with it is to simply have the runner profiled with a negative pitch.  For my kid though, he is very accustomed to the Vapor skate, so, I figure go straight to the Tuuk holder and it should feel pretty close, probably not exact, but close.  I don't feel like shaving brand new steel out of the box.  I'll probably to to this approach for myself on my next set of Makos.  Thanks for the feedback.



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To follow up on my own topic..... My son skated on these for the first time last night and he loved them.  Junior Mako IIs with Tuuk holders and LS2 steel, I believe.  He was coming from Vapor x7.0 skates and didn't complain too much about the difference in feel.  So, the TUUK holder on the Mako boot was close enough for him.  He's pretty finicky about his equipment, so, I was pleasantly surprised that he liked them. 

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